Our Partners

The following firms are Trade & Industry Partners with FOIL:

Trust Mediation

Independent specialist personal injury and clinical negligence mediators who help individuals and their lawyers to resolve claims and disputes.

Evelyn Partners

Specialised forensic services – Personal injury and Clinical Negligence, Fraud and Financial Crime support, Commercial disputes, Expert determination.

Aurora Insight

Fire Investigation, Forensic Electrical Engineering, Expert Witness Services, Independent Case Reviews.

Trevor Gilbert & Associates

Employment expert witnesses of choice for claimant and defendant lawyers – personal injury, clinical negligence, child abuse, matrimonial matters and employment tribunals.

Trade Industry Partner Davies

Davies Group

Claims Solutions, Insurance Services, Consulting, Legal Solutions.

Trade Industry Partner Conflict International

Conflict International

Surveillance, Intelligence, Private Investigation, and Security Services.

Trade Industry Partner Forths


Forensic Accountants – Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Claims, Insurance Litigation, Crime and Fraud, Commercial Disputes, Professional Negligence.

Toppings logo


Forensic Accountants – Specialists in personal injury claims.

Trade Industry Partner BTVK Advisory

BTVK Advisory

Comprehensive Forensic Accounting, Corporate Finance, Fraud Investigation, Valuation, Expert Witness and Forensic Technology Services.

SX3 Claims Limited

Independent Claims Consultants, Auditing & Review, Resource Solutions

Huxley Advisory

Mentoring & Advisory, Business Consultancy


Claims Management, Forensic Accounting, Aviation Risk Management, Dispute Resolution.

CEERISK Consulting Limited

Multidisciplinary engineering firm of experts with offices across Europe and the Middle East.

Bernicia Marine Consultants Limited

Assisting shipowners and their underwriters with a variety of marine insurance claims, as well as acting as an expert witness in a number of jurisdictions.

The Quest Partnership

Legal liability and property claims management / investigation company. All liability classes

The Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital

Medical consultations.

Infoprotect Services Ltd

Integrated technology solutions for your branch-based business.


Neutral, data-driven platform designed to help insurers, claimant law firms, and third-party administrators regain control of the claims resolution process.

Want to find out more?

Please contact FOIL CEO Laurence Besemer

FOIL membership is now available to non lawyers.

An associate membership category for Trade and Industry Partners (T.I.P.s) has been created and is now available to firms working for insurers, lawyers and other compensators in the defendant sector.

The benefits of T.I.P membership

  • Enhanced profile and direct connection opportunities with all FOIL (lawyers) and FOIL select (insurers and other compensators) members
  • Free law, insurance and regulatory updates
  • Free access to the members section of the FOIL website
  • Use of the FOIL Trade and Industry Partner logo
  • Display of your logo on our website with a link to your own site
  • Discounted attendance at all FOIL seminars

The criterion for joining is simply that you support the objectives of FOIL and that your firm will strengthen and develop the defendant focus of FOIL’s work.

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